Foi ontem publicada a primeira versão
beta, a, que contém como novidades em relação à anterior:
- Added collapsible list folders and sub-lists for improved organization.
- Added shaping point support for zumo devices like done in MapSource.
- Added explicit support for shaping points. These will be transferred to supporting devices.
- Added support for transfer of waypoint categories on supporting devices. These are displayed in BaseCamp as lists.
- Added more activity profiles, with improved activity routing on supported maps.
- Added specific avoidances for various road classes, removed the road selection slider.
- Added custom activity profiles.
- Added keyboard short-cuts for editing tools (divide, insert, erase).
- Added a tools menu for easier discovery of tool keyboard shortcuts.
- Changed to make GPX files on a memory card directly editable.
- Changed to read all GPX files on a memory card, similar to how devices behave.
- Improved graphing of track data.
- Improved graphing when multiple routes or tracks are selected.
- Improved layout of geotagged photo, waypoint, route, and track properties.
- Added additional statistics to route and track properties.
- Added 'Center on map' check-box on route and track dialogs.
- Added an easier way to add waypoints to routes (Insert Waypoint button).
- Added additional data fields to waypoints (such as address and phone number).
- Added display and updating of date last modified for waypoints.
- Added display of lists that contain this data item to properties.
- Added receiving geocache visits from devices.
- Added logging geocache visits on
- Added printing of geocaches.
- Added alternate notification mechanism (less annoying pop-ups).
- Added display settings to adjust width of routes and tracks.
- Added support for importing waypoints and tracks from KML/KMZ files.
- Added suggested file name when exporting (so it isn't always 'untitled').
- Added more map details for higher detail setting.
- Added data filters to map view.
- Added preserving the dialog size for each data type.
- Added option to reset track's altitude to map data.
- Added functionality to remember display feature settings per profile.
- Changed 'Remove List and Contents' to 'Remove list and unique contents'.
- Added Shift-Delete short-cut for 'Remove list and unique contents'.
- Improved printing of routes and tracks.
- Fixed issues with sending routes to the zumo.
- Fixed elevation profile labels for Windows XP (no longer invisible).
- Fixed issue when duplicating a route. BaseCamp will now also duplicate the waypoints in that route.
- Fixed issue with the data filter not being remembered between application runs.